
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When the Planets Align

The planets are in alignment, and according to folklore and myth, all sorts of trouble is due to occur when this celestial phenomena occurs.

New Zealand scientists accurately predicted earthquakes could occur in New Zealand, specifically Christchurch, yesterday. Scientists claimed that the planetary alignment was to blame for the geological mayhem that ensued.

Christchurch was rocked by earthquakes throughout the day, including a 5.5 magnitude, and a 6.3 magnitude. Of course, for many, this brought the horrific memories of the February earthquake flooding back as the streets filled with sludgy liquefaction, swallowing some cars in the massive potholes formed in the quake.

From a superstitious point-of-view, you could say that some of us got off rather lightly - especially compared to my friends in Christchurch.

The planets that aligned were Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Mercury. The four planets could be seen in the early morning hours just before sunrise - though, not in Auckland, because it was overcast.  Not to worry, though, as you’ll probably be able to catch it again in about four years. The alignment began in mid May and has carried through early June.

According to NASA a full planetary alignment including Earth, isn’t due for decades. Surprisingly, NASA also stated that planetary alignment does not actually have any affect on earth.

Despite NASA’s statements, Christchurch has sustained repeated strong after shocks, about every hour. Parts of the city are without power, and some without running water and sewage. The old adage, that the planets aligned, seems to have come with with bad omen associated with the phenomenon.  With winter setting in now, patience is wearing thin for some, who say they no longer feel safe.  Of course, many are making the best of a bad situation as well, and anticipate things will return to normal once the quakes have subsided.

Another interesting read, was NASA’s take on the Mayan calendar and other doomsday myths and misconceptions.

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