
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Since I'm in New Zealand, I would have liked to have been the first to wish you all a Happy New Year.  I'll settle for doing it now.  Olivier Designs wishes you a fantastic 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Holidays

Wishing you all a spectacular holiday season.  Season's Greetings from Olivier Designs!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Scraplife: E-waste in Pakistan

Wow!  What an eye-opener.  We've been hearing a lot about e-waste lately.  Many big-name companies including Apple, Panasonic, Sony, and many more, have taken measures to reduce their carbon footprint.  Greenpeace touches on this hot topic with an exposé on e-waste.  You just bought a brand new computer; it looks fantastic.  But, what happened to the old one that doesn't work anymore?  Robert Knoth follows your trashed tech and shows you where it ended up along with what effects it's had on environment where it's been dumped.  Get the full story with words and photographs by Robert Knoth.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

OlivierLex Goodies

It may be winter in the Northern Hemisphere right now, but down south, we're lookin' at sunny days.  That's right, my friends.  In this part of the world, Santa Clause wears jandals (or flip-flops for those of you not familiar with the Kiwi lexicon.)  OlivierLex is getting into the spirit of the new year.  Olivier Designs created a slew of new products for the company, with more still to come.  With a new year comes new business.  OlivierLex always puts their best foot forward, and will definitely turn some heads with their new custom-designed stationary and informative business presentation.  These flashy new updates and more will be added to the portfolio for your viewing pleasure very soon.